My first article of 2020, and it has taken me a while to work out what it should be about. There are many topics I am going to cover this year based on your questions and feedback. But something I just did for myself, is work out how I want my style to evolve from last year to this year……and yes, I do this!
For me, mentally, the New Year brings fresh eyes, new goals, and subconsciously a newish me. With these 'new eyes,' I can look back on my last years self to reflect upon as a way to evolve, so I feel (and look) like I am ready for what 2020 has to offer. I also think it is essential to make changes to your style and wardrobe - only subtly, as a way of feeling relevant, and so you feel energized to get dressed and out the door. And I don't mean it's about going on a shopping spree!
Step 1 - Wardrobe Detox - similar to the one I have done physically after the amount of food I ate over the holidays! The wardrobe detox will remind you what you have, what you like to wear, and, most importantly, what you aren't wearing. The only person that can do a wardrobe detox … YOU! But you need to be honest with yourself about what you keep, store or cull. You also need to pause the urge to spend, until you have your new 'evolved' self checklist in place. Pull your sleeves up, put your hair in a topknot, turn up your favourite playlist and do it! Donate, gift, or sell the clothes you are removing as this also has benefits to your cleaning out too. Your cleanout can be tresure for someone else, so re using clothes is essential.
Step 2 - Rethink your clothes based on wearability. Push yourself to wear clothes, not for just the intended use. Let me explain….. a dress you bought for a dressy birthday dinner can be restyled to wear casually by styling back with a different shoe like a trainer. If you own too many "special occasion" clothes because you only shop when you need something 'special' to wear - change this mindset and start wearing these clothes. Unless it is a bedazzled ball gown, you probably can wear it in more ways than one.
Step 3 - Understand the elements of style - forget about 'fashion' and think about dressing with style. Style is when you can wear a paper bag and rock it. Well, mmmm, maybe not, but I mean, you do not have to be in a trendy, expensive or designer outfit to look good. And you don't need to be in new new new every time you leave the house. Build your wardrobe based on elements rather than pieces. These elements allow you to wear and style your clothes in more ways.
Step 4 - Remember you - define your style and give yourself a few goals to how you want to evolve your look. Notice I use the word 'evolve' a lot – it's deliberate. It is not the word 'change' either - change is to "make different" but evolve is to "to develop gradually"! Having style takes time to develop and understand what feels comfortable for you. It is also about having confidence in your style so you can make confident decisions when you shop and dress. It is like a mental style checklist every time you think about dressing.
Step 5 - Listen to Tash! You may not believe me, but I do not shop like crazy anymore (I used to be bad BTW, I had to have new things weekly, all the must-have designer things……now I shake my head and think what a waste of, yes money but also unnecessarily owning stuff). I now buy items I know I will wear multiple times. I add 'elements' that will enhance the clothes I already own. I research and look at new ways to style the clothes I already own. I do not buy clothes because everyone is wearing them, and love finding accessible price points mixing with designer to achieve a great look. I also emotionally do not need clothes to make me happy (this is an article I will write one day).
So - I have some homework and inspiration for you so that you can focus on your detox. Here is a guide to a subtle style.
• Get rid of clutter and confusion in your wardrobe.
• Understand the elements of dressing. What you already own, what you need, and what you would like to own one day.
• Notice the way the elements create the outfit
• Take note of the way the same elements can be re-worn
• Importantly the simplicity of the look and how the elements can be re-worn over again without them being noticeable.
A few statement pieces, core items, great footwear with classic handbags is the way to wear your wardrobe around the clock.
Images available at Pinterest
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