There are a few principles I live by, but one in particular I want to share with you. This principle is so important to know because it is inverse to popular belief.
Dressing isn't about the clothes, it's actually about you and how you feel within yourself when you wear them. Getting dressed is my job, and I teach people how to do it daily. And yet, if I don't feel great about myself or if I feel sick and tired I literally can not get my sh*t together to get dressed. On these sorts of days my husband and kids look and me in bemusement. Why for someone who most days can dress easily and quickly has the process gone so wrong, leaving me standing there amongst a battlefield of dropped clothes, on the verge of tears, running an hour late having decided my entire wardrobe must go?! Even if Karl Lagerfeld was dressing me in the latest Chanel outfit I would still look in the mirror and see a monster.
WTF is all that about? Am I simply being dramatic? Do I truly need a whole new wardrobe, have I really put on 20 kg over night? NO - it's just the negative speak in your head.
“You will never find something that’s perfect to wear, that makes you feel beautiful & intelligent if you don’t believe you already are”
So, next time you think you need to click onto Net-A-Porter and buy an entire new wardrobe...stop! If you are like me, this feeling of despair is fleeting and will pass in a day or so. But sometimes I meet people who cannot get out of their ‘I've got nothing to wear’ rut no matter how much money or wardrobe options they have.
My advice to them is:
Firstly, sort out your wardrobe and simplify the chaos. Find clothes that you can wear on those ‘nothing feels right’ days. I call them your comfort clothes, the ones that get you through. And they are not your partner’s sweat pants and hoodie! They are clothes they make you feel comfortable, most likely something black that doesn’t attract attention. My go to is denim accompanied accessories that have memories that make me happy and safe.
If you find it difficult to dress because you have put on weight or have lost weight, in the coming weeks I will give some advise on this also.
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